Arkansas Business: Made by Few Off to Good Start

August 22, 2014

Made by Few is off to a good start.

James Victore (right) and Alex Estrada filled the opening sessions Friday morning from the Argenta Community Theater. The event will run through 5 before turning it over to Designed by Few Friday night.

Then on Saturday, the actions runs all day "headlined" by James White of Signal Noise at 4.

Here's more from Arkansas Business' coverage of the opening morning at MxF:

James Victore, the renowned New York independent designer/artist, isn't a fan of working for the sake of a paycheck. Oh, he understands capitalism and even does a decent job of engaging it.

But good work comes from being authentic, he told designers, graphic artists and other "makers of the web" gathered for the 2014 Made by Few tech conference that began Friday at the Argenta Community Theater in downtown North Little Rock.

"Don't make stuff up," he said. "Your best stuff comes from inside."

The outspoken Victore, who used a more secular word for 'stuff,' and whose talk was peppered with profanity -- he dropped F-bombs like Allied planes over Germany, and to much comic effect, stressed that "your audience is dying for honest communication."

"Your clients' best move was to hire you," he said.

Victore's own award-winning work is considered edgy, including his AIDS awareness posters promoting the use of condoms and his "dead Indian" poster created in response to New York City's 1992 celebration of the 500th anniversary of Columbus' landing in the New World.

Check out the full story here, and check back with AB next week for more coverage.


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