Original Thoughts

June 11, 2009

Looking for a good, quick, read? David Armano has a suggestion, and it looks like a good one.  The basic concept? Ignore everybody! You're probably rolling your eyes, shaking your head, and figuring we've gone off the collective "deep end". Not at all.  Read on...

Ignore Everybody - Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog 


Yes, there is a downside to the social web. Colleague Peter Kim calls it the echo chamber. I call it lack of original thought. The upside is that the level playing field of the internet also allows original thinkers to rise to the surface like the head of a frothy refreshing beer. I simply adore Hugh Macleod’s (Gapingvoid) first book, Ignore Everybody. The title says it all. You have to decide if what you believe in is [...]


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